Resources for Programs Funded by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC)
LSC's Program Checklist helps LSC-funded programs meet a disaster, if they haven't done so before, and serves as a refresher for those that have.
LSC created a series of videos to help legal aid advocates and volunteer attorneys in post-disaster counseling on issues such as the Stafford Act, housing issues and contractor disputes.
In April 2018, LSC's Board of Directors established LSC's Disaster Task Force. The focus of the Task Force was to foster and promote better cooperation, coordination, and communication between and among the emergency management community, legal services providers, the private bar, the judiciary, community-based organizations, and the business community to ensure that low-income disaster survivors receive the legal assistance they need. The Disaster Task Force Report can be found here.
There are many statewide legal aid websites with existing disaster relief information. If your state has been impacted by a natural disaster and you are looking for information you can share with disaster survivors, the websites below are great places to start. These pages have strong pre-existing sections on disaster legal assistance and most of the information is applicable on a national/federal level.